Sabtu, 31 Desember 2011

10 Spesies menakjubkan yang ditemukan pada tahun 2011

        Tahun ini memiliki beberapa spesimen yang luar biasa dalam daftar Top 10 Spesies Baru, seperti yang disediakan oleh Institut Internasional Eksplorasi Spesies dan tim taksonomis. Mulai dari bakteri kecil untuk sebuah kadal monitor 6-kaki, ini hanya beberapa spesies baru yang ditemukan. Dan ada banyak lagi belum ditemu

 10. laba-laba hitam darwin
      Ini laba-laba besar yang ditemukan di Madagaskar, rumah bagi banyak spesies ditemukan di tempat lain di dunia. Laba-laba membangun jaring yang sangat besar, seperti yang Anda lihat, mencakup segala sesuatu dari pohon ke sungai. Satu rakasa sebuah web diukur pada 82 kaki di hal biasa river. lain tentang web gelap Darwin laba-laba menenun adalah bahwa ia memiliki dua kali kekuatan dari setiap sutera laba-laba lain dan hingga sepuluh kali kekuatan Kevlar. 

 9. Pancake Batfish
 Para batfish pancake adalah keingintahuan nyata untuk dua alasan. Ia hidup baik sepenuhnya atau sebagian dalam daerah yang terkena oleh Tumpahan Minyak Teluk 2010, yang tidak menaruh beberapa tanda tanya atas kelangsungan hidup spesies. Batfish yang berjalan pada sirip yang tebal, sangat canggung - maka namanya, seperti kiprah adalah mengingatkan dari kelelawar berjalan itu. 
8. Serak Kriket
 Anak kecil yang ditemukan di Pulau Réunion di Samudera Hindia. Ini membuat daftar Top 10 karena merupakan penyerbuk hanya dari anggrek langka yang terancam punah, Angraecum cadetii. 
7. Mycena luxaeterna (cahaya abadi)
 Jamur kecil yang menakjubkan yang bersinar dalam gelap juga membuat daftar; mereka ditemukan di sebuah hutan dekat São Paulo, Brasil. Topi kurang dari 2 cm dan batang kuning kehijauan bersinar sepanjang waktu karena gel pada batang jamur '. Ini jamur bernama setelah sebagian dari Mozart Requiem. 

6. Walter's Duiker


Ini kijang baru kecil, yang disebut duiker, ditemukan di pasar hewan liar di Afrika Barat. "Penemuan spesies baru dari kelompok dipelajari dengan baik hewan dalam konteks eksploitasi hewan liar adalah pengingat serius dari
spesies mamalia yang masih harus dijelaskan, bahkan di dalam orang-orang yang sedang dieksploitasi setiap hari untuk kegiatan makanan atau ritual, "kata Marc Colyn dari Universitas Rennes, Perancis.5. Psathyrella Aquatica

Dalam air, sungai segar dan bersih dari Sungai Rogue, Oregon, suatu spesies jamur gilled ditemukan yang benar-benar buah-buahan di bawah air, membuat ke dalam daftar 10 teratas untuk alasan itu.
 4. Melompat Kecoa 

Di Afrika Selatan Silvermine Cagar Alam, hanya apa yang kita butuhkan, sebuah spesies baru kecoak! Ini adalah unik dalam bahwa kakinya telah dimodifikasi untuk melompat, dan melompat sejauh dan sangat seperti seekor belalang. Ini adalah kecoa melompat pertama yang diketahui hidup, hanya kecoak seperti lainnya adalah fosil dari era Jurassic terlambat.

Jumat, 30 Desember 2011

Reasons Why Norway Always Be The Best Country In The World
Posted on saturday, 31 dec2011 by Febrio Ananda

For the umpteenth time, Norway has been named as the best country in the world by the UN Development Programme (UNDP). Indicator assessment is a Level of Education, Per-capita income and health its people.
A whip should be a concern that the release will also include Indonesia in the order of 124 of 187 countries surveyed.
For Norway itself is not surprising because previously been nine consecutive times by the same institution ordained as the country's most desirable as a residence in the world.
Here are some interesting facts about life in Norway is obtained through an article written by: M. Armiyadi Signori in Citizen News Suara Merdeka.

Field of Education
Norway eliminate the entire cost of education at all hierarchically, this also applies to foreign nationals who go to school here.
For the students also provided student loans, means for students completing education, the cost to cover daily necessities such as lodging, food and other loans they got from the bank and will begin to pay the mortgage when it has completed the education and work. Students did not depend on parental funding.

Income Residents


These adherents of the socialist state economy, with his trademark is the difference in income among all professions is not too far away, a professor until the janitor can live worthy of their salary, when professors use a car to campus, then so does the janitor. Other unique features, high taxes, so what happens is that high-income helping others.
What if we're not having a job or for some reason we are unable to work as usual? Norwegian folk do not need to worry, the government will subsidize the cost of living and to help find jobs for them.
If you are residents of Norway and the 67-year-old, retired and use the time to take the time to enjoy life, good holiday to many countries. At that age everyone will get a salary pension, regardless of your employment, civil servants, private employees, businessman or a farmer, though, all will get a decent pension.
As an illustration of salary, someone who works as a nurse in a hospital, gets paid 200 kroner (300 hundred thousand dollars) per hour, if one working day of eight hours, then the income of 2.4 million dollars per day. If work on holidays or holy days of the income will be more than that.

Health Sector


Norway also eliminate the cost of health care. In addition to the cost of hospitalization, medicines, they also eliminate ambulance. For food, the patient can go alone into the kitchen and eat at will and as much, except for patients who must remain on a bed of course.
Same room and service standards for all communities, including the king and his family, the room in the hospital does not recognize class differences, there are no wards or VIP, all the same room, depending on demand services.
Being a pregnant woman is very respectable in this country, in addition eliminate all cost prenatal care and childbirth, at the time of birth a mother will also receive assistance from the government amounting to 35 thousand kroner (55 million dollars).

 here we go.....


Sabtu, 10 Desember 2011

World's Largest Crab

The biggest crab in the world, nicknamed Crab Kong successfully captured a fisherman in Japan. Page announce on Wednesday (16 / 2), crabs that fall into the family Colossus crustasean three feet in diameter, was arrested a fisherman in the bay Suraga Heda area west of Tokyo, Japan.

Giant crab is even expected to remain a child. Crab Kong who weighed 15 kg was 40 years old. If the crab is 3 meters wide has grown, ten claws able to lift a car.

Initially, fishermen whose identity was withheld intends to sell these giant crabs for dinner. Fortunately, researchers marine life in Weymouth, England, to save the giant crab. Crab Kong will occupy his new home in Munich, Germany.

"Kong is definitely very interesting to see. Even greater than the previous biggest crab, Crabzilla," said Robin James, a researcher at the Sea LFE

Spoiler for Crab Kong 1:

Spoiler for Crab Kong 2:

Spoiler for Crab Kong 3:

Spoiler for Crab Kong 4:

Interesting Places in Bali "INDONESIA"

As a tourist destination, Bali has several attractions that could be a choice vacation. The following brief information about good and interesting sights on the island of gods.
- KintamaniKintamani, which is located in Bangli district, offers beautiful views of the lake while enjoying lunch. Enjoy the beauty of the mountains and lake Batur which beautify the atmosphere of smoke. Do not miss to visit tourist attractions and Toya Bungkah Trunyan also famous for its unique burial system ... more
- Dreamland BeachDreamland beach in the area Ungasan, Pecatu famous for its beautiful beaches and the waves are challenging. For surf sports enthusiast, this place is a favorite. Do not miss to visit tourist attractions around this place like GWK, Uluwatu Temple, Coastal and Beach Suluban Nyangnyang ... more
- Road Celuk Karangasem - SingarajaIn the course of Karangasem district to Buleleng through Celuk Street, we can see the natural beauty of rock scenery eruption of Bali's highest mountain, the mountain Agung.Dalam This trip will go through several attractions such as Amed, Tulamben, Les Village, Water Sanih and enjoy the views beautiful all the way ... more
- Sukawati Art MarketFrom the past until now, Sukawati art market has become a favorite choice of shopping place for employees who travel on vacation on the island of Bali next ....
- UbudWant to know the art center of Bali and a place where can find the real life of Balinese people? Ubud is the answer. Ubud, which is located in Gianyar regency, had always been known as the hometown of art ... more
- UluwatuUluwatu is located on the southern tip of Bali Uluwatu temple showing the beauty that stands firmly on the edge of the cliff overlooking the Indian ocean ... more
- BedugulBedugul tourist area offers some tourism object that can be visited such as Bedugul Botanical Gardens which offers natural attractions such as the Treetop ... more
- Nusa Dua - Tanjung BenoaNusa Dua tourist area famous for the BTDC (Bali Tourism Development Center) and Tanjung Benoa renowned as a center for water sports in Bali ... selanjutnya.Nusa Dua and Tanjung Benoa, located at the southern tip of Bali island but has a different appeal.
Nusa Dua with BTDC (Bali Tourism Development Center) is known as the central star hotels in Bali. Hotels such as Westin, Ayodya resort (formerly Bali Hilton International), Grand Hyatt, Nusa Dua Beach and Nikko Hotel here.
Meanwhile, Tanjung Benoa is known as a center for water attractions ranging from parasailing, banana boat, Jet Ski, Rolling Donut, Flying Fish, Snorkeling, Scuba Diving, Glass Bottom Boat + Turtle Island and other water sports can be enjoyed here. The beach here is choppy and calm making it very safe for a family holiday with your children.
The games can be enjoyed include:
* Parasailing is a game where you will use an umbrella and a parachute pulled by a speed boat surrounding Tanjung Benoa beach. So just like real skydiving. When the game is one round kira2 4 minutes in the air. Height of the rope connecting the parachute to a speed boat approximately 80 meters. So flying pretty high.

* Jetski, the game uses a vehicle on the beach like a motorcycle. Jetski here you can not drive themselves, must be accompanied by an instructor, given the numerous beaches perahu2 TB and other watersport activities, so that collisions can be avoided. Do not worry, the instructor will only drive from the beach toward the sea, now up to you I turn there driving, the instructor luggage rack. When the game is 15 minutes. If you want exciting ride, try the actions of waves there .. then you will feel the sensation of driving pleasure this jetski.

* BANANA BOAT, using a single raft, you will be attracted by speed boat around the coast within 15 minutes. Banana boat load capacity is max 4 people plus 1 instructor as a companion. You can ask diceburin into the water during the boat running, or if not wet .. just ask who normal2. Less exciting banana boat anyway if you play without nyebur.

* FLYING FISH, this last game in Bali. 3 pieces of banana boat rolled into one with an additional rubber boat across the front and there is a kind of right beside left wing. Flying Fish is played by 3 people max, ie 2 people left and right passenger side ditengah2 1 instructor. Position you can beridir like riding a motorcycle or sleep on their backs. Flying Fish will be attracted by speed boat speeds with downwind path. Thus, the flying fish would fly over the water kira2 2 meters or more depending on wind speeds. Just like a kite. For those who like a challenge, do not miss to try this game.

* Snorkeling, namely swimming, underwater view. The main requirements you should be able to swim. By using a mask and fins, you'll see ikan2 ornamental as well as existing coral reefs while swimming.

* SCUBA diving, ie diving. Instead of snorkeling, diving is better as well. You will be given complete diving equipment, ranging from clothing, oxygen tanks etc.. Diving should not be swimming, it's better if you can not swim, because it's easier. A tourist will be accompanied by an instructor in the water, so do not worry. Previously, you'll be brief about cara2 first dive correct. The depth for beginners ranging between 3 feet - 7 feet in water for 40 minutes. Taking the bread for fish food, you'll see the beautiful underwater scenery reply reply filled with beautiful coral reefs and colorful fish colorful.

* GLASS BOTTOM BOAT & ISLAND TURTLE, is the most suitable tour if you ask your child who is still small. With the boat who have clear glass underneath, you will be invited to sail the ocean bottom to see the aquarium there on the beach of Tanjung Benoa. As he threw the bread out of the boat, ikan2 will rise and they will pursue food. There are hundreds of colorful fish. Similarly, with beautiful views of the ocean reefs. Once satisfied to see this page, the boat would slide into Turtle Island to see the turtle breeding locations, who are quite rare animal existence. Here you will see a turtle eggs dikeram, then still kecil2 turtle, turtle juvenile to adult turtles who are ready to be parents. This type of turtle is not only one, but there are several types. In addition, this location there are also other animals such as birds, bats, snakes, etc. a very tame, so that you can hold for the photo. This game takes about 1 hour.
Interested? Why not invite your family to enjoy your favorite water sports in Tanjung Benoa.

Sabtu, 03 Desember 2011

Mahluk-Mahluk Yang ada di SEGITIGA Bermuda

Pertama-tama kenalan dulu lah sama Laut Sargassonya

Laut Sargasso merupakan salah satu laut dengan jumlah pegunungan yang banyak serta terdapat banyak ngarai yang terjal dengan luas kurang lebih 1,5 juta mil persegi. Setiap kapal atau pesawat yang melitasi daerah ini biasanya mengalami kerusakan pada kompasnya sehingga kompas erus berputar dan tidak dapat memberitahu arah yang jelas. Ini terjadi karena kuatnya medan magnet yang ada di Laut Sargasso. Arus di laut ini sangatlah kuat sehingga mampu membentuk semacam pusaran air yang mengalir searah dengan jarum jam secara perlahan.

Air Laut Sargasso sangat biru dan hangat dengan kejernihan yang luar biasa, tetapi Sesungguhnya Laut Sargasso merupakan laut yang sangat miskin jenis flora dan fauna baharinya dengan jumlah populasi yang kecil karena sangat jarang arus air yang membawa zat makanan seperti plankton atau fitoplankton mengalir melalui daerah ini, nih gan makhluk2 yg hidup di dalam laut Sargasso

1. Ganggang sargasso merupakan satu-satunya yang mampu hidup dan tumbuh sampai 100 meter, mengambang di permukaan air dan juga mendominasi bahari Laut Sargasso, ganggang ini minim zat makanan. Di dalam ganggang ini terdapat sejumlah kantung udara yang dapat membuat ganggang ini mengambang di permukaan air laut. Dari dalam laut, ganggang ini terlihat seperti pepohonan yang rimbun.

2. Nah ada makhluk laut unik dan aneh yang hidup di antara kumpulan ganggang sargasso ini, misalnya isopoda parasit.

Spoiler for FOR Isopoda Parasit:

3. Selain ganggang sargasso, sidat merupakan fauna Laut Sargasso yang sangat unik. Bentuk sidat ini mirip sejenis belut. Sidat berkembang biak dengan bertelur, kemudian setelah telurnya menetas, akan menjadi lava. Lava yang dinamakan leptosefalus inilah yang akan menjadi sidat dewasa. Lava ini akan mengambang di antara ganggang dan terbawa arus ke berbagai sungai, hingga akhirnya tumbuh. Uniknya, sidat ini pada akhirnya akan selalu kembali ke Laut Sargasso dimana mereka dilahirkan, yaitu untuk kimpoi dan mati.

Spoiler for FOR Ikan Sidat:

4. Di tempat ini pun ada makhluk-makhluk tertentu yang hanya hidup di Laut Sargasso sehingga mereka pun
dinamakan secara khusus pula, seperti kepiting sargasso dan

Spoiler for FOR Kepiting Sargasso:

5.Kuda laut Sargasso.

Spoiler for FOR Kuda Laut:

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